farmers and ranchers

­Debt Relief for Farmers of Color

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 promised $4 billion in debt relief for farmers and ranchers of color to mitigate the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on a population previously excluded from government resources and support. In response to this attempt to address the...

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Petition to EPA: Industrial Agriculture is a Climate Polluter

Industrial agriculture is a major driver of climate change. However, the Environmental Protection Agency has failed to treat the industry like the climate polluter it is. That is why FarmSTAND (formerly the Food Project at Public Justice) led 25 climate, environmental justice, and rural community...

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Beef Checkoff (R-CALF v. Vilsack and R-CALF v. USDA)

R-CALF challenges the checkoff’s First Amendment violations (R-CALF v. Vilsack et al., D. Mont.) We were lead counsel on behalf of the nation’s largest organization of independent cattle producers, R-CALF USA, in a suit raising a First Amendment challenge to the administration of the Beef Checkoff...

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