
We envision a future where our food chain results in healthy, empowered communities and sustainable livelihoods and a just animal agriculture system that is transparent and accountable to people, not profit.

FarmSTAND is fighting for a food system free from extraction and exploitation.

Our Purpose

FarmSTAND is the only legal advocacy organization in the country dedicated solely to taking on industrial animal agriculture. We’re focused on dismantling the structures that enable the consolidation of corporate power and extractive practices in our food system and we support a vision of animal agriculture that is regenerative, humane, and owned by independent farmers. We believe we cannot make change alone, and that we must align ourselves with allies across movement sectors. In these partnerships, we combine litigation with base building and storytelling to create meaningful change.

From protecting our land, water, and animals, to standing up for the rights of workers and food producers, dismantling industrial animal agriculture moves us all closer to the world we want to see.

Who We Are

How our society produces, distributes, and consumes food impacts everyone. Right now, that system consistently produces harm to maximize profit. A handful of corporations have consolidated control over all aspects of the food system, including shaping laws that let them exploit animals and the environment, as well as consumers and workers – often concentrating the worst harms on the most vulnerable communities.

Our food system should nourish people and protect animals and the environment – not just exist to further enrich wealthy corporations. 

That’s where we come in. FarmSTAND, which originated as the Food Project at Public Justice before becoming an independent organization, drives precedent-setting litigation rooted in our relationships with movement partners, and is building a nationwide network of attorneys with the knowledge and skills to fight alongside communities impacted by corporate agriculture.

Directly impacted communities – including farmers and ranchers, food chain workers, and rural residents – are leading the fight for food justice. Aligning the right resources and expertise alongside their efforts is essential to seeding transformational change. 

We know we can’t do it alone. Join our movement for a food system for us, by us.

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