Farmers, Workers, and Rural Communities

If you believe you may have a case regarding industrial animal agriculture that we should know about, please click here to send our legal team more details.

A farmer veterinary walks inside a poultry farm

Eighty-five percent of the beef Americans consume is produced by four corporate giants – Tyson, Smithfield, Cargill, and JBS. These companies use methods of mass factory production to pump out products where the only concern is their bottom line. They do so without regard for the suffering their methods inflict on animals or the risks their methods pose to consumers, neighbors, employees, and the earth. Find resources below for defending your community when it’s threatened by industrial animal production.

FarmSTAND takes a multifaceted approach to support a more sustainable, honest, humane and safe food system.In our lawsuits, we represent farmers, rural communities, consumers, and workers who share our vision. In our advocacy, we spread awareness of the systemic inequities that have allowed this corporate takeover of our food system and show policymakers and the public how they can support a return to farming focused on sustaining communities rather than extracting profit.

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Beef Checkoff (R-CALF v. Vilsack and R-CALF v. USDA)

R-CALF challenges the checkoff’s First Amendment violations (R-CALF v. Vilsack et al., D. Mont.) We were lead counsel on behalf of the nation’s largest organization…

Freedom of Information Act (Public Justice Foundation et al. v. Farm Service Agency)

FarmSTAND (formerly the Food Project at Public Justice), Animal Legal Defense Fund, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Food Safety, and Food and Water Watch…

Petition to EPA: Industrial Agriculture is a Climate Polluter

Industrial agriculture is a major driver of climate change. However, the Environmental Protection Agency has failed to treat the industry like the climate polluter it…
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