The intent to sue notice was co-authored by Driftless Water Defenders, a non-profit Iowa-based group working to protect Iowa waterways from agricultural polluters, as well as Public Justice and FarmSTAND, both non-profit legal advocacy groups....
“The Clean Water Act does provide citizens like Driftless Water Defenders an avenue for addressing that government under-enforcement and protecting the right to clean waterways,” said attorney Holly Bainbridge of FarmSTAND, a group supporting the lawsuit. ...
“Everyone has a right to use and enjoy their property” under common law, said David Muraskin, managing director for litigation at FarmSTAND. “What the Right to Farm laws have done is basically say, ‘If you move next to a farm, no, you don’t — that...
As climate change drives ever stronger and more frequent natural disasters, communities across the country are facing deadly weather events with alarming regularity. Recovering from disasters like hurricanes and flash flooding is hard enough, but people living near industrial factory farms face an additional threat:...
It is no secret that industrial animal agriculture has devastating impacts on our air, water, and communities. A recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study confirms that factory farms are contaminating the lettuce at your grocery store, too. ...