
Teen Vogue: How Trump’s Admin Will Make Bird Flu Worse

Every day, my organization FarmSTAND sees the extent to which industrial animal agriculture is a system built on a foundation of harm. A handful of ag megacorporations have so much power that they control most of what ends up on grocery store shelves, leaving people...

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Stopping Big Ag Exploitation of J-1 Visa Holders (Alvarado v. Livingston)

Represented by FarmSTAND, Legal Aid of Nebraska, and Radford Scott LLP, these three Guatemalan men are suing Livingston Enterprises and Worldwide Farmers Exchange, the company that deceptively recruited them. The lawsuit targets a practice that has allowed employers like Livingston to exploit the J-1 visa...

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Thousands of young chickens inside a broiler house. A person in white protective coveralls walks through, facing away form the camera

Why We Don’t Wait on Corporate Ag Promises

“What happened to antibiotic-free chicken?” So asked a recent article examining the unfortunate but predictable arc of a years-long campaign to get excessive antibiotics out of chicken feed. For decades, global public health leaders have been sounding the alarm on the overuse of antibiotics, including in...

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A person's arm picks up a head of lettuce from a bin of lettuces in a grocery store

How Industrial Animal Ag is Making Lettuce Dangerous

It is no secret that industrial animal agriculture has devastating impacts on our air, water, and communities. A recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study confirms that factory farms are contaminating the lettuce at your grocery store, too. ...

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