In the capital city of Des Moines, oral arguments on the validity of a 2019 lawsuit on Iowa water quality were heard by the Iowa Supreme Court this week....
Attorneys debated before the Iowa Supreme Court on Wednesday a move by the state to dismiss a lawsuit by two environmental groups contending it has failed to do enough to curb pollution flowing into the Raccoon River from farms and livestock operations....
(Des Moines, IA) -- The Iowa Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in a case where the state is asking that a lawsuit by environmental groups challenging the strategy for handling farm runoff into the Raccoon River be dismissed....
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday on whether to allow two groups to go to trial with a lawsuit claiming Iowa has allowed crop and hog farmers to pollute the Raccoon River, denying citizens safe water for drinking and...
Lawyers for environmental groups and the state of Iowa tangled before the state’s Supreme Court Wednesday over whether environmental groups should be allowed to proceed with their case challenging Iowa’s voluntary Nutrient Reduction Strategy.
The Iowa Supreme Court heard arguments today in a case where the state is asking that a lawsuit by environmental groups that challenge the strategy for handling farm runoff into the Raccoon River be dismissed....
The Iowa Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a case that challenges the legislature’s voluntary approach to regulating nutrient pollution in the Raccoon River from farm runoff....
Environmental groups that want the state to regulate farm pollution running into waterways took their arguments to the Iowa Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and Food & Water Action sued the state over pollution in the Raccoon River. They argued that the...
The Iowa Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit that seeks to require the state to adopt a mandatory nutrient reduction program in the Raccoon River watershed, which supplies drinking water for half a million Iowans.
A group of workers told a Pennsylvania federal judge on Tuesday that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's failure to enforce COVID-19 protocols at a Scranton-area meat processing plant underscored the importance of court intervention to ensure worker safety at the facility....